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Cities: Skylines is getting financial districts, South Korean-inspired buildings and more

Two waves of updates before the year is done

Cities: Skylines is getting two tranches of new content before the end of the year. "Tranche" is a fitting word, too, since the largest update of the bunch is a Financial Districts mini-expansion which will let you build a Stock Exchange and invest in markets.

Here's a trailer that briefly covers everything new that's coming.

The Financial Districts mini-expansion will arrive on December 13th and adds 104 new assets, including bank buildings, a new district specialisation with its own visual style, and various tweaks to your city's tax system. On the same day, there will also be a new content creator Map Pack from community creator Sidai which will add 10 new maps representing different biomes, including Boreal, Desert and Tropical themes.

I've skipped ahead, because the Financial Districts mini-expansion is the largest single update, but there are other updates coming before that on November 15th. That includes two other content creator packs: Heart Of Korea, which adds 60 new buildings inspired by South Korea including 'growable' buildings that will expand as your city grows; and Skyscrapers, which adds over 15 skyscrapers inspired by those found across the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and beyond.

There are also three new radio stations coming before the end of the year, all of which sound self-explanatory: '80s Downtown Beats and K-Pop stations on November 15th and an Africa Vibes station on December 13th.

Finally, there's a free update coming on November 15th which will add new vehicles and roads, including new buses, tram tracks and more.

If all that inspires you to want to give the game a try but somehow you haven't yet bought Cities: Skylines, there's also a free weekend beginning on Steam this Thursday, November 10th and running until November 14th.

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Graham Smith avatar

Graham Smith


Graham used to be to blame for all this.

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