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El Paso, Nightmare is an extradimensional horror FPS, out now

In preparation for El Paso, Elsewhere out next year

Developer Strange Scaffold surprise launched El Paso, Nightmare today as part of Steam Scream Fest. The team describe Nightmare as a “mind-shattering extradimensional take on the classic CoD zombies formula” with some emotional baggage on the side. Essentially, it’s a horror FPS that has you up against vampires, werewolves, and angels (the bad kind) across six biomes. This bite-sized FPS acts as a companion piece to next year’s El Paso, Elsewhere, the previously announced third-person shooter

El Paso, Elsewhere is inspired by Max Payne. In El Paso, Nightmare players can “experience the motel from hell right as the pandemonium first breaks loose”, in preparation for playing Elsewhere, and it also features several tracks from Elsewhere's hip-hop soundtrack.

If you’re unfamiliar with Strange Scaffold, they have quite the repertoire of unconventional indie games under their belt. The team was behind Witch Strandings and Space Warlord Trading Simulator, one of my favourite games from 2021.

El Paso, Nightmare is available on Steam for a regular price of £4/€4/$5, but it’s on offer as part of Steam’s Scream Fest.

Disclosure: Strange Scaffold is the dev label of Xalavier Nelson Jr., who used to write articles on RPS once upon a time.

About the Author

Kaan Serin avatar

Kaan Serin


Kaan is currently an English and Film student who spends more time thinking about food than his degree. Also, trying to cut down on sharing unprompted video game trivia.

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