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Ghibli-esque MMO Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds has launched on PC

It’s taking Level 5's JRPG series free-to-play

Level 5 and Netmarble’s free-to-play massively multiplayer JRPG Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds has finally arrived outside of Japan today. The Studio Ghibli-tinged MMO originally launched in June last year, making $100 million (£80 million) in the first 11 days after launch. That’s more than Pokémon GO and Genshin Impact managed.

Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds is the first multiplayer take on the series inspired by the work of Studio Ghibli.

Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds puts you into the position of a beta tester for a fictional online VR game called ‘Soul Divers’. Except it’s not really a game in the game, it’s the world of Ni No Kuni. It is really a game IRL though, so don’t fret. You’ll need to rebuild your ravaged kingdom and save both of the worlds that have been crossed. I get it now!

Cross Worlds combines the combat systems of its predecessors, Wrath Of The White Witch and Revenant Kingdoms, but introduces the option to pick a class. There’s five to choose from: Witch, Rogue, Engineer, Destroyer, and the fantastically named Swordman. Always be yourself, unless you can be Swordman. Then always be Swordman.

Katharine wasn’t that fond of the series’ last entry on PC in her Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch Remastered review. “The thought of having to babysit these bumbling morons through the final boss battle just fills me with a kind of existential dread,” she said. “If you're at all intrigued by Ni No Kuni, I'd strongly advise you to just go and play Revenant Kingdom instead.” Hopefully Cross Worlds will be more like that than White Witch then.

You can download the launcher for Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds here. It’s also kicking about on Android and iOS if your keyboard and mouse have fallen into another dimension.

About the Author

CJ Wheeler avatar

CJ Wheeler

News Reporter

CJ used to write about steam locomotives but now covers Steam instead. Likes visual novels, most things with dungeons and/or crawling, and any shooter with a suitably chunky shotgun. He’s from Yorkshire, which means he’s legally obliged to enjoy a cup of tea and a nice sit down.

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