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Horizon MMO could be in the works at Guild Wars publisher NCsoft

As long as I can play as a mechanical crocodile, I’m happy

Aloy might not be the only person battling giant robot dinosaurs for much longer if a report that a Horizon MMO is in development is on the nose. Korean site MTN claim Sony are teaming up with Guild Wars publishers NCsoft to create a massively multiplayer take on Guerilla Games’ sci-fi action RPG. This partnership to create new games isn’t just limited to Horizon either, MTN’s source alleges.

Horizon Zero Dawn's neo-prehistoric world looks amazing on PC.

It’s claimed that Sony’s chosen to partner with NCsoft on the Horizon MMO project to “penetrate the global game market”, which arrow-shooting protagonist Aloy would probably approve of as a big enough target. NCsoft’s internal team will allegedly handle the MMO’s development. The source suggested this was just a “first collaboration" and that, if the project is successful, NCsoft might be entrusted with turning other Sony intellectual properties into MMOs. Guild Wars meets Bloodborne, anyone?

I reported at the start of October about another multiplayer spin on the Horizon series. That one was claimed to be in development at creators Guerilla Games, though, so it sounds like a different project. There’s also a Horizon Zero Dawn remaster alleged to be coming, but it’s not certain whether that would reach PC alongside PS5. I think I’d rather just see a PC port of Horizon Forbidden West, thank you very much.

If you’re more of a single-player type then Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition is on Steam, the Epic Games Store and GOG for £40/$50/€50.

About the Author

CJ Wheeler avatar

CJ Wheeler

News Reporter

CJ used to write about steam locomotives but now covers Steam instead. Likes visual novels, most things with dungeons and/or crawling, and any shooter with a suitably chunky shotgun. He’s from Yorkshire, which means he’s legally obliged to enjoy a cup of tea and a nice sit down.

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