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Riven: The Sequel To Myst is getting an official "from the ground-up" remake

It follows on from last year’s remake of Myst

Myst developers Cyan have revealed they’re working on a “from-the-ground-up” remake of its sequel, Riven. The original puzzle adventure was released on PC on October 31st 1997, and Cyan made their remake announcement exactly 25 years later. The new version of Riven will adopt the Myst remake’s freely 3D movement, but there are very few details yet other than that. Watch the very short announcement teaser below.

Developers Cyan announced the Riven remake on the original game's 25th anniversary.

The Riven remake has its roots in an effort organised by fans, The Starry Night Project, which began 13 years ago. “We spoke confidentially with the Starry Expanse team a couple of years ago about the exciting news that Cyan finally had the resources to tackle remaking Riven,” Cyan said in an open letter to fans of the game. “Together, we reached an agreement which allowed us to reference core pieces of their efforts to jump-start our development.” One member of the Starry Expanse Project has joined Cyan to work on the remake.

Cyan have posted a FAQ on their site with a few details but there's not much to go on right now. I’ve got to put my hands up and admit I’d never played Myst properly until the remake last year. It was a fun, puzzly time, but you could tell the game was 30-years-old even with the graphical zhuzhing up and added 3D movement. Still, much more recent games have been remade – looking at you, The Last Of Us – so what’s the harm in a few classic puzzle adventures like Myst and Riven getting proper overhauls? I’m eager to play the Riven remake after tackling its predecessor.

Cyan haven’t revealed when Riven will return to PC just yet. I’ll keep you informed when there’s more to share. While you’re waiting, you can always grab the original Riven on Steam or GOG for £4/$6/€6.

About the Author

CJ Wheeler avatar

CJ Wheeler

News Reporter

CJ used to write about steam locomotives but now covers Steam instead. Likes visual novels, most things with dungeons and/or crawling, and any shooter with a suitably chunky shotgun. He’s from Yorkshire, which means he’s legally obliged to enjoy a cup of tea and a nice sit down.

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