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Rocket Bot Royale is the perfect game to play while queuing for other games

And sometimes it's even more fun than whatever else I'm playing

I've been playing an awful lot of Overwatch 2 recently. As you'll know if you've played either of Blizzard's near-identical hero shooters, Overwatch 2 lets you queue up for a match as a particular hero role, which ensures balanced team compositions but also can mean a wait of several minutes before you get into a match. Cue me scouring my Steam Library a few days ago for a quick little time-waster to fill those gaps. And after a few failed attempts, I discovered it. Or, more accurately, rediscovered it.

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About the Author

Ollie Toms avatar

Ollie Toms

Guides Editor

Ollie is known round these parts for having just about the deepest voice in existence. Some say he used to be pretty darn good at Rocket League, but he has since sacrificed that accolade in order to become passably decent at Apex Legends. His favourite pastimes include playing piano covers of his favourite game soundtracks, and burying his face in the warm fur of his two cats.

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