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The Electronic Wireless Show episode 193: our most nostalgic games

When I was a kid we barely had TV

Come with us now on a journey to our childhoods, as we on the Electronic Wireless Show podcast talk about the games that make us feel the most nostalgic. The games we played as kids, or spent all-nighters on as teens. It's a surprisingly diverse list, and Matthew has one anecdote in particular involving the music of Danny Elfman that I think makes this a genuine must-listen episode. Do you have the same nostalgia games? Which ones instantly transport you to the past?

This week we also get an important fish update from Nate, who has a tank full of monsters that it turns out are slightly less inbred than we thought, and also I made an unwise purchase (not fish-related). Matthew delivers a Cavern Of Lies that we have to navigate on pure instinct alone, like Luke turning off his targeting computer, and we have three good suggestions in our Recommendations section.

You can listen on Spotify, or above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later. You can also now discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.

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Music is by Jack de Quidt, who may or may not get very nostalgic sometimes, I don't know.

Nate immediately brings up Z: Steel Soldiers even though he didn't actually like it that much. He actually has more of a soft spot for the Discworld game (although he isn't sure which one) and TIE Fighter (when it was working).

When I was a kid I'd go to my friend Geoff's house and play 007 NightFire. One time I tormented my brother by playing Neverwinter Nights. Me and my friends went on holiday and played a lot of Soulcalibur IV.

Matthew, meanwhile, played loads of Call Of Duty 2 in unusual circumstances - apart from all those puzzle games, which he talks about every week.

We kind of all played a lot of Worms.

Recommendations this week are the second series of the TV show Hacks, the book Sorrow And Bliss by Meg Mason, and (bear with us) the field next to the gastro pub The Saxon Mill.

About the Author

Alice Bell avatar

Alice Bell

Deputy Editor

RPS's dep ed. Small person powered by tea and enthusiasm for video game romances. Send me interesting etymological facts and cool horror games.

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