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The Electronic Wireless Show Podcast episode 205: the best dread in games Halloween special!

Fear to tread

Happy skeleton war month, ya filty animals! This week on the Electronic Wireless Show we talk about dread, as in, the thing Matthew feels when confronted with glistening food, or when he knows he has to record a podcast with us. We talk about some cracking scary games, going a bit down the beaten track and away from our normal path of least resistance (talking about Red Dead Redemption 2 and BioWare games). We also have some spooky recommendations for you to spice up your Halloween! Plus, it's Nate turn to produce a Cavern Of Lies. More like Cavern Of Jump Scares! And we coin a couple of new euphemisms you're sure to work into your every day language.

You can listen on Spotify, or above, or go straight to Soundcloud where you can download it for later. You can also now discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.

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Music is by Jack de Quidt, who is impervious to dread.

Nate is the first person to mention Alien: Isolation, the gentleman's choice. But space-alien games come thick and fast, as we also make time to talk Prey, and Dead Space.

I've been playing and reviewing Saturnalia, a unique horror game that is well good (my review went live just now).

I also find it very scary when places are empty but shouldn't be. See: Firewatch, Everybody's Gone To The Rapture, Old Gods Rising.

Matthew brings up Ravenholme from Half Life 2, wherein many people are shambling about with a raw roast chicken stuck on their head (you can hear the headcrab zombie reversed audio here , but it's quite horrible.

I hard second his suggestion of Stories Untold as well, a well cool analogue horror anthology.

Nate recommends a horrible submarine-based horror game called Iron Lung.

Recommendations this week are the found-footage/documentary horror film Lake Mungo, extremely bleak horror film Possum (avoid if you don't like puppets or spiders), and GregBroDudeMan reacting in chill ways to creepy things.

About the Author

Alice Bell avatar

Alice Bell

Deputy Editor

RPS's dep ed. Small person powered by tea and enthusiasm for video game romances. Send me interesting etymological facts and cool horror games.

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